44 Christ Church Mount, Epsom KT19 8NB

Click here to see map for location of 44 Christ Church Mount, Epsom.

22/01371/FUL The demolition of the existing dwelling and associated outbuildings and the erection of 2 no. two bedroom flats and 3 no. three bedroom houses with associated access and soft and hard landscaping.

This proposed new backland development is to replace the existing single dwelling with five new dwellings, two labelled incorrectly as “flats” but actually clearly forming two semi-detached houses. The additional three houses are intended to lie in the extensive rear gardens of Nos 42 and 44 Christ Church Mount.

The proposal would result in an inappropriate form of backland development which would be out of keeping with the area. The location is strongly characterised by neat front gardens and houses with long rear gardens which contribute to the overall area appearance. The materials, bulk and scale of the proposed development are unlike the existing building, and inappropriate for and unsympathetic to the prevailing street scene. Other objections include the weak provisions for access to the houses in the rear garden and the consequential loss of greenery in what is currently one of the most sylvan estates in the Borough.

The Society believes the application is therefore contrary to the requirements of Policies CS1, CS5(The Built Environment) of the Core Strategy (2007) and Policies DM9, DM10(Design Requirements) and DM16 of the Development Management Policies (2015). Accordingly, refusal of the application is requested.

See our letter, which can be seen here.