71 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB

Click here to see map for location of 71 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB 24/00992/FUL Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and construction of 3 x 3-bed residential units with car parking, and associated access. This application proposes… Read More

Former SGN gas works site in East Street, Epsom

Zenith Land proposal for 456 homes and new Laines HQ on SGN former gas works site in East Street

23 Beaconsfield Place Epsom KT17 4BD

First floor rear extension and alterations to fenestration. Three storey, 3 bedroom detached dwelling adjacent to 23 Beaconsfield Place.

Langley Bottom Farm, Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP

Two storey 4 bedroom detached dwelling with car port and associated landscaping following demolition of existing derelict farm house.

Cottage St Ebba’s Farm, Hook Road, Epsom KT19 8QW

Single storey detached dwelling with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of existing dwelling

12 Burgh Heath Road, Epsom KT17 4LJ

Detached single storey annexe in rear garden

81 College Road, Epsom KT17 4HH

Detached 1 1/2 storey, 2 bed family dwelling with landscaping and other associated works. (Use Class C3.)

Epsom Lodge 1 Burgh Heath Road Epsom KT17 4LW

Change of use of vacant Care Home (Use Class C2) to House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Generis) incorporating minor external alterations

Site Of Installation Outside Amplifon 73 High Street Epsom KT19 8DN

Freestanding telephone apparatus with affixed defibrillator and advert display | Site Of Proposed Communication Hub Outside 73 High Street Epsom<

Development Site At Friars Garth, The Parade Epsom KT18 5DH

Alterations to building to provide a four-storey flat building comprising 12 residential flats (8 x 2 bedroom and 4 x 3 bedroom) together with vehicular access, landscaping, parking for nine vehicles, bin storage, cycle storage and associated works. Additional fourth storey to accommodate 3 x 2 bedroom flats (amendment to approved planning application 21/00701/FUL dated 14.02.2022)