Bunzl, 1 Hook Road, Epsom KT19 8TY

Click here to see map for location of 1 Hook Road Epsom

23/01473/PDEAB Prior Approval Schedule 2, Part 20, Class AA: New dwellings houses in commercial or mixed use to create a two storey roof extension to accommodate 17 new dwellings.

This application has been presented as falling under Permitted Development, with a proposal to add a further two stories above the existing office building providing 17 new one-person one-bedroom flats. The application attempts to use a provision which allows two additional stories on a property comprising part of a mixed use (residential and commercial) terrace row (Permitted Development Class AB).

ECS objects to the application on the grounds that the existing building is a free-standing building, not part of a terrace, and thus Class AB is not relevant.

Epsom Civic Society is also concerned at the impact on the character of the immediately adjacent Adelphi Conservation Area. The extended roof height would lead to a domination of the nearby buildings, particularly the close-by Fennies (Old School House) which is Grade two listed. A full impact assessment should be undertaken to review the visual impact of such a development. ECS is also concerned at the privacy challenges presented by the new dwellings overlooking the private residences in Hook Road as well as the Fennies Nursery premises.

There is no provision for any heritage impact under the permitted development criteria. It is therefore important that the validity of this application, under the provisions of Class AB, is rejected. Epsom Civic Society therefore requests that this application is refused and re-assessed in the future through a full planning Application.

See our letter here.