124 Hook Road Epsom KT19 8TX

Click here to see map for location of 124 Hook Road Epsom.

22/00959/FUL Erection of two storey 2 bedroom detached house with ancillary car parking.

22/00817/FLH Formation of vehicular access and crossover (involving dropping of kerb).

Two applications have been made for this address, one proposing a new backland development, the other requesting a new crossover to enable access to the existing property.

The Society commented on the latter on-line, noting that, if approved, damage to or total loss of two trees out of an existing row of four fine mature lime trees, the other pair of which are subject to a Tree Protection Order (TPO). The retention of a green swathe in this section of Hook Road by the presence of trees and hedgerows is very important to maintain a green lung to assist in carbon absorption generated from a heavily trafficked road B284. The Society has requested a TPO for the currently unprotected trees.

Regarding the main application, the Society has objected due to the unsuitability of the plot for backland development, impact on surrounding properties, and lengthy & difficult vehicular access for its potential residents and the builders. The proposed access for the new property would also raise road safety issues due to the location of its exit onto Hook Road by a toucan pedestrian crossing. No proposals for collection of refuse and recycling were made.

The Society also concluded that the plans should have more properly been dealt with as a single application.

See our letter, which can be seen here.