

The Society’s Committee checks the Borough’s website for planning applications received and decided each week, and examines the documents accompanying applications that appear potentially contentious or sensitive. This applies to all applications whether inside or outside existing Conservation Areas. While we normally only consider applications in the 5 central wards (College, Court, Stamford, Town, and Woodcote wards), we also try to examine major developments elsewhere in the Borough.

Where relevant, a committee member and/or one of our Planning Panel members, visits the site location. Where it is deemed necessary, a letter is written on behalf of the Society to the Planning Department, setting out our views (both positive and negative) on the proposed development or change of use.

You can view any of the Planning Applications by visiting the EEBC planning page. or by following the link provided in the section on the relevant property under the Planning Applications sub-menu on this website (which will take you straight to the relevant section of the EEBC planning site).

Details of Planning Applications regarding which the society has written to the Council can be seen under the sub-menu Planning Applications.

Our website also publishes links to any Planning Consultations notified by the Council, to enable members to become aware of their existence, access the details and documents on the Council’s own website, and make their own suggestions or responses to the Council. In due course such entries on our site will be updated by the addition of any formal response made by the Committee on behalf of the Society. These are found under the Planning Consultations sub-menu.