The Royal Automobile Country Club, Old Barn Road, Epsom KT18 7EW


Click here to see map for location of Royal Automobile Country Club (RAC)

14/00561/OUT RAC

Outline application for residential development (2 x plots) with associated infrastructure.

14/00562/FUL RAC

The outline application for two residential properties in Green Belt land was refused, but has been appealed.

The Society objected on principle to the proposed residential development within the Green Belt, and was not convinced by the argument that this was needed to enable repairs to the (listed) walled garden and gardner’s cottage, since the RAC has owned these buildings for more than 100 years and should have budgeted for the cost of maintaining them in good condition during that time.

The Society has written again to the Planning Inspectorate re-iterating our objections and concerns. This second letter can be found here.

Our original letter can be found here.