Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom KT18 7EG

Click here to see map for location of Epsom General Hospital.

19/01722/FUL Demolition of the existing hospital buildings, accommodation block and associated structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a new care community for older people arranged in two buildings, comprising 302 to 308 care residences, 8 to 12 care apartments and 26 to 30 care suites proving transitional care, together with ancillary communal and support services Use Class C2, 24 key worker units Use Class C3, childrens nursery Use Class D1 as well as associated back of house and service areas, car and cycle parking, altered vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping, private amenity space and public open space.

This application for the NHS “Sold Off existing hospital buildings site” by Guild Living involves the demolition of an accommodation block and other associated structures, and redevelopment of the site to provide a new care community for older people arranged in two buildings comprising 302 to 308 care residences, 8 to 12 care apartments and 26 to 30 care suites providing transitional care, together with ancillary communal and support services.

The Society has major reservations about the bulk and massing of the proposed 9-storey buildings amounting to overdevelopment, the impact on the adjacent Woodcote Conservation Area and residential setting, and the lack of affordable housing and appropriate mix of family homes.

The applicant plans to use the whole facility for “later living” housing and care facilities (thus avoiding the need for any affordable units), while the Borough’s planning basis for our new Local Plan requires 80% of all new units developed in the plan period to be two- and three-bed family homes, 40% of which would desirably be affordable units.

The Society has therefore objected to the proposal, and supported the much more detailed objection letter submitted on behalf of the Woodcote Epsom Residents Association.

See our letter here.