The Lodge West Street Ewell KT17 1XU

Click here to see map for location of The Lodge West Street Ewell KT17 1XU .

19/01604/FUL Demolition of existing detached house and construction of two houses and three flats.

This application is a modification of the previous proposal for this site, which is currently a single large detached house on a corner plot. The previous application was refused, but is still subject to an Appeal awaiting determination. The present application represents an attempt to overcome some of the issues leading to refusal of that earlier application.

While the new application provides additional parking spaces, it still proposes replacement of a single large house with two houses and three flats. The Society believes this is overdevelopment involving the demolition of a landmark building at the entrance to Gibraltar Recreation Ground in a valuable Conservation Area already harmed by the development of the adjacent plot.

The Society has therefore recommended refusal. See our letter here.

And see our previous letter 19/00801/FUL