13 Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ

Erection of an apartment building comprising 2 three bed units and 2 two bed units with basement parking and cycle/residential storage (Description amended and amended drawings received 14.11.2017)

8 Andrews Close, Epsom KT17 4EX

Outline application ( Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale) for the demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of a two storey building accommodating 8 one bedroom flats and associated parking.

Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation

Request for views on the issues and options proposed by EEBC for updating the Local Plan for the period 2017 to 2032 in particular in the light of the Government’s revised planning policy for housing development

3 Alexandra Road, Epsom KT17 4BH

Proposed demolition of existing building (currently split into 2 x 4 bed apartments) and erection of new three-storey development comprising 4 new build apartments (3 x 3 bed, 1 x 1 bed) with undercroft parking and additional vehicular access.

Minimum standards for the size of dwellings – Update

Department of Communities & Local Government progressing standards for minimum dwelling sizes

Call for minimum standards for the size of dwellings

In reviewing planning applications during 2013, the Society has been struck by a very common theme, namely the shrinking of dwelling sizes proposed. This emanates in part from a desire on the part of developers to maximise profit… Read More