8 Andrews Close, Epsom KT17 4EX

Click here to see map for location of 8 Andrews Close.

17/01085/OUT Outline application ( Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale) for the demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of a two storey building accommodating 8 one bedroom flats and associated parking.

8 Andrews Close is a substantial 2-storey 4/5-bedroom pre-war house now vacant and in poor condition. The proposal is to demolish the house and erect a 2-storey block of 8 one-bedroom flats.

Although at first sight the proposal may seem acceptable, the Society is concerned at the lack of 3-bedroom units (in contravention of planning policy DM22), the likely inadequacy of parking provision and the impact on already difficult parking in the area. We also have sympathy with residents who believe that this type of development is out of character with the quiet residential nature of the road.

For this reason the Society has recommended refusal.

See our letter here .