Bradford House (aka Sunnybank House) 39A East Street Epsom KT17 1BL

Click here to see map for location of Sunnybank House (formerly Bradford House).

17/01755/FUL Demolition of existing office building (Use Class B1a) at Bradford House and erection of a mixed-use six storey (plus basement) building comprising 238sqm of office floorspace at ground floor level and a student halls of residence (Use Class C1) containing 99 student bedrooms. Associated landscaping and basement level parking and cycle parking.

Permission was granted in 2014 (14/00606/FUL) for the development of Crossways House, which was completed with ground floor offices and student accommodation over, and the adjoining Bradford House for offices and residential units, which was not carried out because changes in demand led to different intentions for offices, service flats and now more student accommodation.

The existing building has little architectural merit and the new design, if undistinguished and filling the site to an almost excessive extent, is an improvement, using similar materials to Crossways House.

The Society asked for a number of detailed points to be taken into consideration, but overall supports this application, subject to reservations about the loss of a potential housing site, the size of the student rooms and some aspects of the design.

See our letter here .