Woodcote End 17A Woodcote Close Epsom KT18 7QJ

Click here to see map for location of Woodcote End 17A Woodcote Close Epsom KT18 7QJ.

17/01414/FLH Demolition of conservatory, rear extension on ground and first floor, loft conversion.

17a Woodcote Close is a 2-storey detached house, situated on the curved end of the cul-de-sac and similar in design and appearance to the other houses in this private road close to the town centre.

The present application proposes the demolition of the existing rear conservatory, the erection of a rear extension on ground and first floors, and a loft conversion. This would involve a substantial increase in the mass of the building and the rebuilding of the roof. The slopes would be increased from the present 43 degrees to 55 degrees, seriously affecting the daylight to the adjoining houses and the general appearance and street scene.

On these grounds the Society recommended refusal of the application.

See our letter here .