13 Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ

Click here to see map for location of 13 Ashley Road.

16/01325/FUL Erection of an apartment building comprising 2 three bed units and 2 two bed units with basement parking and cycle/residential storage (Description amended and amended drawings received 14.11.2017).

This application is a variation in design arising out of refusal of the original application in May 2017, to which the Soeciety objected. The proposal is to demolish the house and erect a block of 4 flats with basement parking.

Although the amendments are in some respects an improvement, the proposed footprint for the new building occupies almost all of the plot, and it remains unattractive and damaging to the street scene. The Society believes the proposed building is overdevelopment, and are concerned at the danger arising from adding a car park exit in close proximity to traffic lights on a busy road in the centre of Epsom.

Finally, the Society could see no practical way of either building or maintaining the proposed structure when there is no road space available to be shut off for construction vehicles, no space on the site itself once construction is started, and no neighbour willing to facilitate the proposal.

For all these reasons the Society has recommended refusal.

See our letter here .