39 Manor Green Road Epsom KT19 8RN updated for Appeal

Click here to see map for location of 39 Manor Green Road.

20/00525/FUL Change of use of Gym/yoga studio, comprising a single-storey, 40m2 building into a residential dwelling. The only external works required will be some landscaping, the rest is internal.

After the Society wrote again regarding this site recommending refusal, and the Planning Committee’s subsequent refusal of the application, the applicant has appealed.

Accordingly, the Society has submitted on-line its reasons for requesting that the Appeal be dismissed.

In addition to the previously stated objections to the actual proposal, the Society believes the grounds stated by the applicant for the appeal are misleading and inaccurate, and have referred the Inspector to the policy grounds for the original refusal and the invalidity of the stated grounds for appeal.

See our comments here.