113 Longdown Lane South Epsom KT17 4JL – Appeal against Enforcement

Click here to see map for location of 113 Longdown Lane South.

20/00545/CLP Extension of existing outbuildings to rear of site curtilage.

This property has a long and contentious planning history, the most recent episode of which is the current application resulting from the issue by EEBC of an Enforcement Notice regarding the existing self-contained building at the rear of the property. Permission was originally granted to convert the original stable block into a “granny annexe”, but this building has subsequently been used as a separate dwelling, creating a house of multiple occupation (HMO) for which no permission has ever been granted.

An attempt at enforcement was appealed against in 2015, but the appeal was dismissed. In 2020 EEBC has again issued an Enforcement Notice, as a result of which the current application for a Certificate of Lawful Development was made together with a further appeal against enforcement.

Since it is clearly in the general interest that the planning system operate successfully, and all applicants be required to respect planning policies and decisions, the Society has notified the Planning Inspectorate via their website of our support for EEBC’s enforcement action.

See our comments here.