13 Ashley Road Epsom KT18 5AQ

Click here to see map for location of 13 Ashley Road.

16/01325/FUL Demolition of existing house and erection of an apartment building comprising 2×3 bed units, 2×2 bed units and 1×3 bed penthouse with basement parking and cycle/residential storage.

13 Ashley Road is a 2-storey traditional house divided into two 2-bedroom flats. It immediately adjoins the Town Centre boundary. An application (13/00109/FUL) proposing a contemporary designed 3-storey block of 9 flats was refused in November 2013, and an appeal dismissed, for reasons of design, scale, massing and harmful effects on the street scale and local character.

The building now proposed addresses some of the issues with the prior application, but is too tall, an asymmetrical design with a huge cat-slide roof. The proposed parking provision is insufficient to meet the Borough’s standard.

We therefore recommend refusal.

See our letter here.