Land at Mill Road, Epsom KT17 4AQ

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16/01325/FUL Variation of Condition 11 (The development shall be used for residential student accommodation only and for no other purpose) of planning permission 14/01784/FUL to allow the development to be used for residential (house in multiple occupation) accommodation by students or other persons.

This application is an attempt to remove a key condition from a previous application for managed student accommodation which was approved with conditions. Among them was the requirement that the accommodation be restricted to occupation by students under the management of an educational establishment (at the time envisaged to be UCA). The approval was granted on this basis, in part to ensure that the inadequate off-street parking would not be an issue.

Removal of this condition undermines completely the basis on which the earlier proposal was accepted, and the Society therefore recommends refusal.

See our letter here.