Woodcote Grove Ashley Road Epsom KT18 5BW updated

Click here to see map for location of Woodcote Grove Ashley Road Epsom KT18 5BW .

19/00999/FUL Development of 98 apartments/dwellings, including conversion of the Grade II* Listed Woodcote Grove and Grade II Listed Stable Block, with parking, access, landscaping and other associated works, following the demolition of the existing reprographics centre and conference centre.

This application and an associated one regarding amendments to listed buildings proposes the redevelopment for housing of the site of the old Atkins office buildings and conversion of the listed buildings of Woodcote Grove and associated stables.

The Society objected strongly to the first design proposals in September 2019, and again following revisions in March 2020.

Further amendments have been made but, in the Society’s view, still do not constitute an acceptable revision of the setting of a major heritage building in an important Conservation Area.

The Society continues to have objections under various headings, including the planning history of the site, density and housing mix, impact on the heritage building and Conservation Area, and road safety for both vehicles and pedestrians.

In addition, there are practical issues regarding access for and sequence of development to prevent further damage to walls in the narrow streets behind the site by construction traffic seeking access other than via Ashley Road.

The Society has therefore continued to recommend refusal of the application.

See our third letter on this proposal here.

And see our previous letter here.

And our original letter here .