Wells Social Centre Spa Drive Epsom KT18 7LR

Click here to see map for location of The Wells Social Centre Spa Drive Epsom KT18 7LR.

19/00929/FUL Demolition of existing Wells Social Centre and construction of 23 residential units, community hall, playground and associated car parking and landscaping.

The Council proposes to demolish the existing community centre, now closed, and replace it with a smaller community hall and 23 residential units including a 12m high block of flats.

While recognising the extreme pressure under which the Council operates to increase the rate of provision of new housing despite a critical shortage of non Green Belt development land within the Borough, the Society believes that this must not result in a detrimental loss in quality of life for existing residents.

Objectionable features of the proposal include excess height and bulk, provision of a much smaller communal facility, inadequate parking and road access for an increased number of residents. Overall, this would create a significant adverse impact on the health and well-being, social inclusion and community cohesion for the existing residents, quite apart from the visual and environmental impact.

The Society recommends refusal of the current application and invites the Council to reconsider their proposals to include a replacement of the current overall communal facilities and reduced height and number of new residential units.

See our letter here.