Priam Lodge 81 Burgh Heath Road Epsom KT17 4NN – updated December 2014

Click here to see map for location of 81 Burgh Heath Road

14/01289/FUL Priam Lodge .

Demolition of existing dwelling and other buildings and erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with associated parking and landscaping.

The Society objected to the previous proposal (see below) for a former historic stable on Green Belt land, then and currently being used for other purposes and now proposed for demolition and replacement with four houses. That application was refused but then appealed. This revised application has also been submitted, reducing the four houses to two houses and two bungalows, and restricting the development to the area currently built on and adjacent ground currently used for disputed purposes.

The Society remains of the view that Green Belt land should be protected, but there appear to be doubts as to whether the current use of the stable land is permitted: if so, the appeal on the previous proposal may be allowed.

The Society has written a further letter, offering conditional support for the current proposal, which while not ideal, appears to be a worthwhile improvement over the original.

Our latest letter can be found here.

The original proposal and our earlier letter can be found below.

13/01619/FUL Priam Lodge

Demolition of existing dwelling and other buildings and erection of 4 detached houses with associated landscaping.

A former historic stable on Green Belt land currently being used for other purposes and now proposed for demolition and replacement with four dwellings.

The Society is concerned both about the current use and at the proposal to convert Green Belt land to housing.

Our letter can be found here.