Former Police Station Church Street Epsom KT17 4PS

Click here to see map for location of former Police Station, Church Street.

17/01586/FUL The demolition of the former police station, and the erection of two residential blocks comprising a total of 29 residential units (11x1bed, 14 x2 bed and 4×3 bed), with associated car parking and landscaping. .

In February 2018 the Society supported the original application for this site, subject to reservations about the flint wall, car parking, affordable housing and design. Click here to see our original letter.

A Design Addendum and revised drawings have now been submitted taking into account a number of issues raised by the Society and others in response to the original application. In particular, the design now facilitates the later development in matching style of the adjacent Ambulance Station site when this becomes available.

Although some of our reservations remain unaddressed, we believe the revisions are an improvement on the original.

See our letter here .