Ethel Bailey Close, Epsom KT19 8NQ


Click here to see map for location of Ethel Bailey Close

14/00825/FUL Ethel Bailey Close

Residential development for 48 new units (10 two bed houses, 22 three bed houses, 15 four bed houses and 1 five bed house) and associated parking and landscaping.

Ethel Bailey Close is one of the remaining undeveloped parts of the Hospital Cluster and adjoined the former Manor Hospital, in land identified in the District Wide Local Plan as a residential development area. The present application proposes demolition of the existing buildings (former residential institutional use) and the erection of 48 houses, including 19 (40%) affordable and 29 for private disposal.

The Society supported the application in principle, while stating reservations about the density, proximity to neighbouring properties, and parking provision, and suggested comparison of the smaller units with HMG’s proposed new minimum dwelling size standards set out in a recent Housing Standards review.

Our letter can be found here.