Click here to see map for location of 71 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB
24/00992/FUL Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and construction of 3 x 3-bed residential units with car parking, and associated access.
This application proposes to demolish an existing bungalow on a sloping site in Langley Vale and replace it with a terrace of three small, three-storey, three-bedroom houses.
Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the proposal as set out below:-
This comment is submitted on behalf of Epsom Civic Society.
The design and layout is too cramped and over-intensive, thus failing to add good design to be compliant with NPPF para 135.
The set-back of the proposed houses within the plot is not satisfactory. The effect, with the site typography levels of rising to the rear, coupled with a 3-storey design, presents as being top-heavy and dominating.
The amenity spaces are below the prescribed requirements, especially No.71a.
The proposal will give rise to overlooking to the rear of No.73 coupled with loss of light.
The requirements of DM10 and DM12 have not been met.
The presence of a large cypress tree in the rear garden of No.73 the subject of a TPO and close to the boundary is at threat by potential damage to its roots.
Refusal is requested.
Posted: 19 September 2024 by ecs
71 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB
Click here to see map for location of 71 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB
24/00992/FUL Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and construction of 3 x 3-bed residential units with car parking, and associated access.
This application proposes to demolish an existing bungalow on a sloping site in Langley Vale and replace it with a terrace of three small, three-storey, three-bedroom houses.
Using the “Comments” facility on the EEBC Planning website, the Society objected to the proposal as set out below:-
This comment is submitted on behalf of Epsom Civic Society.
The design and layout is too cramped and over-intensive, thus failing to add good design to be compliant with NPPF para 135.
The set-back of the proposed houses within the plot is not satisfactory. The effect, with the site typography levels of rising to the rear, coupled with a 3-storey design, presents as being top-heavy and dominating.
The amenity spaces are below the prescribed requirements, especially No.71a.
The proposal will give rise to overlooking to the rear of No.73 coupled with loss of light.
The requirements of DM10 and DM12 have not been met.
The presence of a large cypress tree in the rear garden of No.73 the subject of a TPO and close to the boundary is at threat by potential damage to its roots.
Refusal is requested.
Category: Planning, Planning Applications
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