Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom KT18 7EG – Appeal Inquiry

Click here to see map for location of Epsom General Hospital.

19/01722/FUL Demolition of the existing hospital buildings, accommodation block and associated structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a new care community for older people arranged in two buildings, comprising 302 to 308 care residences, 8 to 12 care apartments and 26 to 30 care suites proving transitional care, together with ancillary communal and support services Use Class C2, 24 key worker units Use Class C3, childrens nursery Use Class D1 as well as associated back of house and service areas, car and cycle parking, altered vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping, private amenity space and public open space.

This application for the NHS “Sold Off existing hospital buildings site” by Guild Living involves the demolition of an accommodation block and other associated structures, and redevelopment of the site to provide a new care community for older people arranged in two buildings comprising 302 to 308 care residences, 8 to 12 care apartments and 26 to 30 care suites providing transitional care, together with ancillary communal and support services.

The EEBC Officers recommended approval, despite many public objections to its scale, bulk & massing, including those of the Society and Woodcote Epsom Residents Society, but the members voted to refuse permission in November 2020. Since then the applicant, Guild Living, has both submitted a revised, slightly smaller application (see our post here.) and appealed the decision to refuse their original application.

As a major development application, the Appeal will be heard in August as a full Inquiry, lasting up to five days, with both parties being legally represented by specialist planning law barristers. In view of the Officers’ original recommendation to accept, EEBC have appointed an external planning consultant to lead the defence of the decision to refuse.

Since the case may well set a precedent for “acceptable” height of new buildings in Epsom in order to “optimise” land use in the context of the lack of land supply in the Borough for the scale of new housing required by HMG policy, the Society has taken the unusual step of pooling resources with Woodcote Epsom Residents Society to present to the Planning Inspectorate a detailed statement of all the reasons why we feel the Appeal should be dismissed.

See our joint response here.

It would do no harm for the appointed Inspector to receive representations from local residents requesting the Appeal be dismissed. If you wish to do this, having read our formal response, please contact the case officer at the Planning Inspectorate by mail or email, in each case quoting the Appeal Reference APP/P3610/W/21/3272074. Mail address: Alison Dyson, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN. Email to: ALISON.DYSON@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

You can also submit representations via the Planning Inspectorate Portal. Extended deadline for submissions is 8 June.