Clayhill Lodge And Allonby West Hill Epsom KT19 8JP

Click here to see map for location of Clayhill Green on West Hill . Clay Hill Lodge and Allonby are on the northeast corner of the green.

20/00031/FUL Demolition of two dwellings and one outbuilding. Construction of one four storey flatted development comprising a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bed units totalling 14 flats, and one three to three and a half storey terrace comprising 9 no. 3 bedroom houses. Construction of associated landscaping works.

This application for a site in the Stamford Green Conservation Area proposes to demolish two existing large dwellings, one of which is an architectural heritage asset surrounded by a large garden with mature specimen trees and a listed wall at its boundary, to be replaced by a four-storey block of 14 flats and a terrace of 9 houses respectively.

The Society has objected strongly to the proposal, on the grounds of its environmental and general adverse impact on the Conservation Area in which it is situated, as well as concerns about traffic, parking and access for construction.

The design of the block of flats is out of keeping with the surrounding residential area to the north and west, and the loss of the majority of the existing trees and shrubs leads overall to substantial detrimental effect and harm to the Stamford Green Conservation area.

Notwithstanding the current pressure for more housing, the Society recommended refusal. See our letter here.