Friars Garth, The Parade, Epsom KT18 5DH

Click here to see map for location of Friars Garth. 21/00701/FUL Erection of three storey building comprising 9 residential flats (6 x 2 bedroom and 3 x 3 bedroom) together with alterations to vehicular access, landscaping and associated… Read More

20 Burghfield Epsom KT17 4ND

Click here to see map for location of 20 Burghfield Epsom . 21/00870/FLH Demolition of link attached garage. Erection of two storey side extension and front porch extension. Previous application 21/00366/FLH Demolition of Link attached garage, construction of… Read More

Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom KT18 7EG – Appeals Update

Click here to see map for location of Epsom General Hospital. Since our post of 8th June regarding the Guild Living proposal for this site, the applicant has further amended the design of the original proposal, reducing the… Read More

24 – 28 West Street Epsom KT18 7RJ

Click here to see map for location of 24 – 28 West Street Epsom Surrey KT18 7RJ . 21/00986/FUL Demolition of existing building (associated with application 19/01021/FUL seeking redevelopment of the site for mixed use development). The previous… Read More

Consultation on EEBC Draft Planning Enforcement Plan July 2021

The Society has responded at length to the Borough Council’s consultation, which ran from 28th May to 9th July, on their Draft Enforcement Plan, which purports to set out the way the Borough proposes to deal with potential… Read More

Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom KT18 7EG – Appeal Inquiry Update

Having requested of the Planning Inspectorate and been granted a further 7 days to review the Appellant’s Statement of Case (which was only very shortly available to the Societies before the original deadline), ECS and WERS committee members… Read More

Madan Cottage Avenue Road KT18 7RD

Click here to see map for location of Avenue Road Epsom KT18 7RD . 21/00528/FLH Erection of two storey side extension and enlargement of existing rear dormer window. This application is for the erection of a two storey… Read More

The Ashley Centre Epsom KT18 5AB

Click here to see map for location of The Ashley Centre Epsom KT18 5AB . 21/00327/FUL Alterations and improvements to the East Entrance, including new paving, over-cladding to elevations, new aluminium framed sliding doors, new lighting features, signage… Read More

Epsom General Hospital Multi-Storey Car Park

Click here to see map for location of Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom KT18 7EG 20/00249/FUL Erection of a multi storey car park comprising ground plus 5 storeys and 527 car parking spaces, reconfiguration of surface parking… Read More

20 Burghfield Epsom KT17 4ND

Click here to see map for location of 20 Burghfield Epsom . 21/00366/FLH Demolition of Link attached garage, construction of 2 storey side extension and front porch. This application is for an over-large extension for its setting. In… Read More