39 Manor Green Road Epsom KT19 8RN

Click here to see map for location of 39 Manor Green Road Epsom KT19 8RN.

22/00695/FUL Change of use of gym/yoga studio to residential to create a 1 bedroom dwelling with associated garden and parking.

Following dismissal of a second Appeal for a residential development, the applicant has made an application to re-purpose a not long built existing building used as a gym/yoga studio in the garden of the plot as a new small dwelling, despite all previous residential applications having been refused and two Appeals dismissed.

Assessing this application as if it were the first at this site, the Society has had to re-iterate its objections stemming from the inappropriateness of this backland site, inadequate off-street parking and amenity space for the donor dwelling, and design failing to harmonise with the local context.

The Society’s detailed letter of objection refers to conflicts with EEBC Core Strategy Policy 5 and Development Management Policies 10, 12 & 37.

For all these reasons, the Society has requested refusal of the application.

See our letter here.