Replacement of front brick wall with fencing to enclose garden
Demolition of residential dwelling at 6A Bucknills Close and the construction of six residential units (1 x 2-bed, 2 x 3-bed and 3 x 4-bed) (Class C3) together with car parking, landscaping and access arrangements.
Erection of 23 dwellings (including 4 affordable units) with associated access, car parking and garaging, refuse/recycling storage, landscaping, earthworks and infrastructure following demolition and removal of existing buildings and structures.
Erection of 6 foot (1.83m) high fence along the western boundary of the site.
Demolition of the existing dwelling and associated outbuildings and the erection of 3 No. of new dwelling units (3 x three bedroom houses) with associated access and soft and hard landscaping
Detached outbuilding involving excavation of ground to create basement space and incorporating loft space to be used as a granny annex and recreation rooms.
Reserved Matters application for Appearance pursuant to Condition 2 of Outline Planning Permission 20/00958/OUT.
Redevelopment of site to deliver a retail foodstore (Class E), supporting car park, access, servicing and landscaping.
Posted: 1 October 2023 by ecs
52 The Parade Epsom KT18 5DU
First floor side extension and two gabled side dormer windows