1 Kilcorral Close Epsom KT17 4HX

Click here to see map for location of 1 Kilcorral Close Epsom Surrey KT17 4HX

23/00935/FLH Replacement of front brick wall with fencing to enclose garden.

1 Kilcorral Close is on the corner of Kilcorral Close and College Road as you come out of Epsom along Alexandra Road, with a large lawn providing an open prospect into the close. The application proposes replacing the existing 1m-high brick wall with a 2m-high brown fence to close off that view.

The cul-de-sac of Kilcorral Close has remained unaltered in its appearance since construction 50+ years ago and is a prominent and attractive design being typical of the late 1960s era. The variations of architectural design over different eras help to contribute the attractive townscape which makes Epsom & Ewell a pleasant place. Environmental Character Study notes and support the open style design of this location. A 2m high fence proposed on the frontage to College Road and wrapping around into Kilcorral Close would destroy the original design and should be resisted.

Similar recent applications at other locations in Epsom for erecting high fencing in what are open style estate designs have been opposed as being detrimental to the landscape, and refusal supported if subsequently appealed.

In short, the Society believes that this proposal would create severe adverse impact in terms of design and appearance, the character of the property and on the neighbour amenities, and has therefore requested refusal.

To ensure our objection was filed in time, the Society used the “Comment” facility on the EEBC Planning website instead of writing a letter as usual.