Langley Bottom Farm Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP

Click here to see map for location of Langley Bottom Farm

23/01239/REM Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 20/00475/FUL allowed at appeal to make elevational amendments to Plots 1-3, 14-16 and 17-20.

This proposal involves variation of the plans agreed when the Appeal against refusal of the original application was allowed. But many of the Developer’s proposed amendments are very much merely cost savings which will lead to a far less attractive design and a loss of the rustic elements of this rural development. In the view of the Society the development now proposed resembles a conventional housing estate rather than a ‘farmyard’ setting, which was one of the main reasons for allowing the Appeal.

The Epsom Civic Society firmly believe that our Local Planning Authority should ensure that the quality of the approved development is not materially reduced between planning permission being granted and the final completion of the scheme. Refusal was therefore requested.

See our letter here.

See our previous post re the Appeal here. (In the event, the letter to the Planning Inspectorate was merely a repeat of our original letter to EEBC.)