3 applications for different developments of the same property
Erection of a canopy structure, feature seating and landscaping in Derby Square together with High Street entrance feature and erection of 3 illuminated and 8 non-illuminated fascia signs together with 5 illuminated and 8 non-illuminat
Demolition of existing detached building and erection of 10 new dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and secure cycle storage and landscaping.
Variation of Condition 10 of 15/01663/FUL to enable vehicles to be displayed on the forecourt
Erection of 4 new dwellings, vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and secure cycle storage and landscaping
Demolition of existing property and redevelopment of the site to provide 10 x two bed flats in a three-storey block with accommodation in the roof space formation of a new access onto Alexandra Road and the provision of ancillary car parking.
Conversion and extension of existing dwelling to form a semi-detached pair of two-storey dwellings.
Demolition of existing Comrades Club facility and erection of new four-storey building comprising a 57-bed hotel with ancillary restaurant/bar and new Comrades Club facilities.
Erection of 2 x 2 bedroom semi-detached houses with access from Dirdene Gardens.
Posted: 25 August 2016 by ecs
5 Alexandra Road, Epsom KT17 4BH
Demolition of existing property and redevelopment of the site to provide 9 two bedroom flats and 1 three bedroom flat in a three-storey block with accommodation in the roof space formation of a new access onto Alexandra Road and the provision of ancillary car parking. (Description amended 17.08.2016 and amended drawings received 25.08.2016)