6 The Grove Epsom KT17 4DQ

Click here to see map for location of 6 The Grove Epsom.

19/00461/FUL Erection of a two-storey building, comprising 4 x 1 bedroom apartments linked to the rear of the existing house.

6 The Grove is in the Church Street Conservation Area and closeby to the Grade 2 listed Grove House. The application proposes to add a further building with a linking structure together covering most of what is currently the wooded back garden of the existing property, itself subject already to a permitted proposal for conversion to 5 flats.

Despite having supported (with reservations) the previous conversion proposal, the Society finds the current proposal completely unacceptable, not least for its impact on the surrounding property owners and the setting of the listed building, the wildlife habitats, and the Borough’s own development policies relating to backland development and Conservation Areas.

For these reasons and others we have objected strongly to the proposal and recommended refusal. See our letter here.