
This page provides brief contents descriptions and links to pdf files of current and previous Epsom Civic Society newsletters. If you are looking for a particular article but don’t know which letter contains it, use the search facility (top right hand corner of the header above) for the name of the building, street or person of the subject of the article.


Newsletter 178 – Summer 2024
  • The Chair’s Commentary: We Need Your Help!
  • Local Plan Update
  • In Other Planning news
  • Links in the Printed Newsletter
  • Openings and Events
  • Planning Applications
  • Membership and Subscriptions
  • Officers and Committee
No. 177 – Spring 2024
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Call for events suggestions; Local History – Upper High Street Epsom; Then and Now display; Horton Cemetery; Trees; Design Codes for Planning; Local Plan Update; Other Planning news
  • A short History of Upper High Street Epsom
  • Planning Applications
  • Following up Previous Planning Applications
  • Climate Change and Sustainability – Design Codes
  • The Downs
  • Events
  • Membership and Subscriptions
No. 176 – Winter 2023
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Season’s Greetings; Local Plan; In Other Planning News; Horton Cemetary Commemoration; Epsom & Ewell Foodbank;
  • Horton Cemetary Remembrance Ceremony
  • Planning Applications
  • Previous Planning Applications – Following Up
  • Funding Small Community Projects
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development
  • The Downs
  • At the Ashley Centre 18th November 2023
  • Norman Dempster: A Tribute
No. 175 – Autumn 2023
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Durdans; Local Plan Update; In Other Planning News; Epsom Common Green Flag Award; Reigate & Redhill Society
  • Local History – Rosebery Park, Epsom
  • Planning Applications
  • Climate Change and Sustainability – Shifting Baseline Syndrome
  • The Downs
  • Subscriptions
  • Recycling
  • Events: Ian West Walk Report; New Art Cinema for Epsom; The Mill at Sonning
No. 174 – Summer 2023
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Entertainment Venues; Local Plan Update; In Other Planning News; Members Can You Help?; AGM
  • Planning Applications
  • New Planning Applications
  • Climate Change & Sustainability: 15-minute Neighbourhoods
  • Subscriptions
  • Recycling
  • Events: Ian West Walk; The Mill at Sonning
  • Letters
No. 173 – Winter 2022/Spring 2023
  • The Chair’s Commentary: The Year Ahead; Draft Local Plan is Published!; In Other Planning Policy News; Final Words
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage: Appeals; New Planning Applications; Plant a Tree
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development: Who’s driving policy?
  • The Downs
  • Membership & Subscriptions
  • Ashley Road Deep Level Air Raid Shelter
  • Events: Visit to Newmarket; Ian West Walk; The Mill at Sonning
No. 172 – Autumn 2022
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II; Planning Consultations – ECS responses; Local Plan; Other Planning News; Horton Chapel;
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development: Synthetic Grass
  • The Downs
  • Membership and Subscriptions
  • Events: Visit to Newmarket; Saturday 12th November – Quiz Night;
No. 171 – Summer 2022
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Local Plan; Other Planning News; Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations; The Wells Community Centre; The Horton; Epsom & Ewell Times Newspaper; College Ward Residents Association; Mayor’s Reception; At the Rising Sun
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development: An Inconvenient Truth
  • The Downs
  • Membership
  • Events: Weald & Downlands Museum; Ian West Walk; Chiswick House & Gardens; a Date for your Diary
No. 170 – Spring 2022
  • The Chair’s Commentary: Getting Out & Meeting Up; Landscape and Planning; Local Plan; Housing Delivery Test
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development: The dual case for retrofitting
  • 25 Years of Twinning with Chantilly
  • The Downs: Top Car Park
  • Membership
  • Events: Weald & Downlands Museum; Ian West Walk; Chiswick House & Ham House
  • Epsom Revued: Epsom Many Years Ago
No. 169 Winter 2021

  • The Chair’s Commentary: Green Spaces and the Green Belt
  • Local List Heritage Project
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation and Heritage
  • Enforcement Assistance for our Members
  • Climate Change and Sustainable Development
  • The Downs: Top Car Park; Public Conveniences
  • Membership and Subscriptions
  • Events: The Mill at Sonning Dinner Theatre
No. 168 Autumn 2021

  • The Chair’s Commentary: Summer improvements in Epsom; ECS on Channel KT4 TV; National Planning Updates; Local Planning Updates; EEBC Draft Planning Enforcement Plan
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development – Ensuring Bio-diversity is included in our forthcoming Local Plan
  • Events – Ian West Exploration of Ewell; Dinner Theatre at the Mill at Sonning
  • Membership & Subscriptions
  • Planning Extra – Epsom Chalk Pit Community
  • Call for Website/IT volunteer(s)
No. 167 Summer 2021

  • The Chair’s Commentary: Yet More Planning Reform; Planning Bill; Planning Consultations; Local Plan update; Local plan, Green Belt and Known Unknowns; Planning Services in the Borough – Our letter to Concillors; Draft Planning Enforcement Plan: Horton Cemetery; Emily Davison Statue; Adopt a Tree; Music in the Marketplace; Standing Committee of Residents’ Associations
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development – Review of Existing Climate Change Policies in Epsom & Ewell Borough
  • Events – Ian West Exploration of Ewell; Dinner Theatre at the Mill at Sonning
  • Membership & Subscriptions
  • Urgent Call for Webmaster
No. 166 Spring 2021

  • The Chair’s Commentary: More Planning Reform; Local Plan and Housing Numbers; Stoneleigh & Auriol Neighbourhood Forum; The Wells; Emily Davison Statue; Friends of Horton Cemetery; Draft Planning Enforcement Plan: Public Consultation; Local Heritage Listing
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • The Downs
  • Join Our Tree Planting Scheme
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development
  • Events
No. 165 Winter 2020

  • The Chair’s Commentary: Planning Reform; Space Standards for new homes; Local Plan; Stoneleigh Station Approach; The Wells; Stoneleigh/Auriol Neighbourhood Plan; Community Arts & Heritage; Langley Vale Wood;
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Welcome to our new Hon Secretary
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development
  • The Downs
  • Tree Fund
  • Events
  • Our Website
  • Membership: Subscriptions; Help Please!
No. 164 Autumn 2020

  • The Chair’s Commentary: New Committee Members; Local Plan; Planning Reform; New Planning Laws; Market Place Transformation and Emily Davison statue /span>
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Climate Change & Sustainable Development
  • Making Your Views Count in Planning
  • Neighbourhood Planning
  • Events
  • Membership
  • Subscriptions
  • Officers & Committee Members
No 163 Spring 2020

  • Covid-19 
  • Chair’s Commentary: Open Meeting report; Local Plan; EEBC Annual Monitoring Report & Housing Delivery Test;  Getting involved – next steps
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Events
  • Membership
  • Urgent call for Committee Members
No 162 Winter 2019

  • Chair’s Commentary – Open Meeting 28/01/2020; Concerns re Local Plan; More on the Masterplan; Planning Team meeting; Celebrations
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Trees – some Good News
  • The Downs
  • Obituary – John Hampton
  • Events
No. 161 Autumn 2019

  • Chair’s Commentary – Transformational Change for Epsom: Current Concerns; Local Plan
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • The Downs
  • Events
  • Membership
  • Call for new Committee members
No. 160 Summer 2019

  • Chair’s Commentary: Joy Furness; Michael Arthur; Annual General Meeting; Local Plan; Future 40; The Society & Civc Voice;Road Reps Social; Call for New Committee Members
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation and Heritage
  • The Downs
  • Subscriptions
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • Events: Our Diamond Anniversary & National Civic Day 22nd June 2019; Epsom Common Association Day 21st July 2019; Dinner Theatre at The Mill at Sonning
No. 159 Spring 2019

  • Chair’s Commentary: Alan Baker and Malcolm Boyd – A Celebration and Vote of thanks; Julian West; Local Plan, Land Supply and Housing Delivery; the Society & Civic Voice; High Streets; Call for new Committee Members
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • Subscriptions
  • Epsom Revued
  • Events: Diamond Anniversary; Centenary Wood Guided Walk
No. 158 Winter 2018

  • Chair’s Commentary – Your voice in Epsom’s Future and its Conservation Areas; The Society & Civic Voice
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation & Heritage
  • The Downs
  • Membership
  • Street Trees – Tree Advisory Board
  • Rosebery Park Trees
  • Eclipse’ed
  • Events – Buffet Supper; Woburn Abbey visit
No. 157 Autumn 2018

  • Chair’s Commentary – Tony Smith, MGSO4 Festival, Local and National Planning Matters, Epsom’s International Film Festival
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation and Heritage
  • Membership: National Trust Free Passes, GDPR, ECS Exhibition, Road Reps
  • Events: Lambeth Palace, Annual Buffet Supper, Christmas Panto
  • The Downs
  • The Ashley Centre and What’s in a Name?
No. 156 Summer 2018

  • Chair’s Commentary – Local Plan Update, NPPF Consultation Response, etc
  • Planning Applications
  • Epsom Common Open Day
  • The General Data Protection Regulation
  • Membership
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • A Policeman’s Lot
  • Events: Lambeth Palace & Museum of Garden History,Ian West’s Walk, Buffet Supper
No. 155 Spring 2018

  • Chair’s Commentary – Local Plan Update
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage
  • Millenium Pond
  • The Last Coach via Epsom
  • The Tree Fund
  • Membership Subscriptions
  • Progress in Rosebery Pond
  • Photographs
  • Events
No. 154 Winter 2017

  • Chair’s Commentary – Buffet Supper, Local Plan Review, Epsom’s Highway works, Season’s Greetings
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage
  • Disaster Averted for Street Trees
  • The Society’s Tree Fund
  • Downs Report
  • Francis Frith and Epsom
  • Membership
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • The Millenium Green Pond
  • Events
No. 153 Autumn 2017

  • Chair’s Commentary – Road Reps’ Social, Local Plan Review, Horton Chapel,Street Trees, Chalk Lane Hotel, Conservation Areas
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage & Conservation
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • Crunch Time for Street Trees
  • The Society’s Tree Fund
  • The Downs
  • A Message from Ian West
  • Licensing Laws & their Effect on Society
  • Pub Refurbishment
  • Events – Annual Buffet Supper
No. 152 Summer 2017

  • Chair’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage
  • Renovation of Heritage Assets
  • AGM report
  • The New Epsom Square
  • Membership
  • Events
  • Stop Press – heritage lead cistern
  • Planning for a More Competitive Town Centre
  • Schools Garden Project
  • Annual Buffet Supper
No. 151 Spring 2017

  • Chair’s Commentary – Peter Follett; Local Plan Review – Members’ Open Meeting; Neighbourhood Plans; Public Parks; Emily Davison’s Funeral
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage
  • The Downs
  • Epsom and The Illustrated London News
  • Subscriptions & National Trust Free Passes
  • A Leafy Future?
  • Events – Outing to Lewes
  • Ian West’s Walk
  • Dates for your Diary
No. 150 Winter 2016

  • Chair’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Heritage
  • Bring Out Your Dead
  • Notes from The Downs
  • Membership
  • National Trust free passes
  • Newsletters by email
  • Minute Secretary
  • National Trust
  • Annual Buffet Supper
  • Outing to Lewes May 2017
  • Schools Gardening Project
No. 149 Autumn 2016

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Twitter Launch
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Outing to Smallhythe Place and Great Dixter
  • Schools Poetry Competition
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • Emails
  • Membership
  • Road Reps
  • Ashley Centre Exhibition
  • Planning for a More Competitive Town Centre
  • Schools Garden Project
  • Annual Buffet Supper
No. 148 Summer 2016

  • Chair’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Membership
  • Emails
  • Garden in the Sky
  • Schools Garden Project
  • Civic Voice Heritage Awards
  • Events – Outing to SmallHythe Place and Great Dixter
  • Anual Buffet Supper Party
  • Ian West Walk
No. 147 Spring 2016

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Randalls Park
  • Harry Corben – Our Chairman
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • MGSO4 Epsom & Ewell Arts Festival
  • Horton Chapel
  • School Donations
  • Subscriptions
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • Choral Festival of the Twin Towns
  • Events – Outing to SmallHythe Place and Great Dixter
  • Dates for your Diary
No. 146 Winter 2015

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – South Hatch
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Schools Garden Project
  • Update on Langley Vale Wood
  • The Downs
  • Membership
  • National Trust Free Passes
  • Events – Annual Buffet Supper Party
No 145 Autumn 2015

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Epsom & Walton Downs
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Langley Vale Centenary Wood
  • Ian West’s Walk
  • Outing to Royal Holloway College & Runnymede
  • Annual Buffet Supper Party
  • Dinner Theatre at the Mill Sonning
No. 144 Summer 2015

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Epsom in Wartime Part Two
  • Our Annual General Meeting
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Congratulations
  • Bouncing emails
  • Membership
  • Our Website
  • ECS Awards to Primary Schools
  • Events: Penshurst Place Report;
  • Events: Thursday Royal Holloway College and Runnymede
  • Events: Annual Buffet Supper Party
  • Events: Dinner Theatre at Sonning
  • Events: Ian West Walkabout
No. 143 Spring 2015

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Epsom in Wartime
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Woodland Trust
  • A Winter Visitor
  • A Brief History of Civic Societies
  • Outings: Tuesday 14/04/2015 Penshurst Place
  • Outings: Thursday 30/07/2015 Royal Holloway College and Runnymede
  • The Downs
  • Subscriptions
No. 142 Winter 2014

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – The Epsom Workhouse Part 2
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • The Ashley Centre Display October 2011
  • The Downs
  • Visit to Blenheim Palace
  • Ashtead & Epsom Sports Club great loss
  • Annual Buffet Supper
  • Outing to Penshurst Place 14th April 2014
No. 141 Autumn 2014

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – The Epsom Workhouse
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Walk with Ian West
  • Epsom & Ewell in the Great War
  • Heritage Open Days 13th/14th September
  • Epsom common 40th Anniversary
  • Annual Buffet Supper
No. 140 Summer 2014

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – The Clock House and New Inn Lane (cont)
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation – some related issues
  • The Downs
  • Membership
  • National Trust and English Heritage
  • Events and Outings
  • Annual Buffet Supper
  • AGM
  • Heritage Days 13th/14th September
  • New Website
  • Aerial Photographs
  • Langley Vale Centenary Wood
No. 139 Spring 2014

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – The Clock House and New Inn Lane
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Subscriptions
  • Use of Email
  • Events and Outings
  • News from Civic Voice 
No. 138 Winter 2013

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Ebbisham House
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Membership
  • Chuter Ede
  • Heritage Open Days
  • The Downs Conservators Meeting 17th October 2013
  • Annual Buffet Supper
  • Live Screening at Cinema
  • Council for the Protection of Rural England
  • Spring Outing to Watts Gallery
No. 137 Autumn 2013

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Epsom’s Grandstands
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
  • The Fountain in Rosebery Park
  • Possible Civic Awareness Projects for Primary Schools
  • The Downs
  • Death of Founder Member
  • Occasional Road Reps & Distributors
  • Important Diary Dates
  • Ian West Walk
  • The Buffet Supper and the Wallace Collection
No. 136 Summer 2013

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Why Strowger came to Epsom
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Development Management Policies
  • The Kings Arms Pub
  • Membership
  • Heritage Open Days -14th/15th September
  • Facebook
  • Events & Outings
No. 135 Spring 2013

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Haywain part 3
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • The Need for Planning Permission – some FAQs
  • The Fountain in Rosebery Park
  • Downs Conservators Meeting
  • Photographic Archivist Wanted
  • National Council for Voluntary Organisations
  • English Heritage
  • Ian West Walkabout
  • Subscriptions
  • Use of E-Mail
  • The Society Website
  • New Committee Members
  • National Trust
  • The New Glee Walk
  • Watch This Space
  • Epsom General Hospital
  • Events and Outings
No. 134 Winter 2012

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Haywain part 2
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Notes on the Downs
  • Downs Consultative Committee
  • University for the Creative Arts – visit
  • The Fountain in Rosebery Park
  • Events and Outings
  • Bletchley Park visit 11 April 2013
  • Ashley Centre Display
  • The Durdans Stables
  • Geoffrey Stone – an appreciation
  • Old Ordnance Maps
  • Calling Photographers
  • Consultation
No. 133 Autumn 2012

  • The Chairman’s Commentary (Hookfield part 2)
  • Planning Applications
  • Planning enforcement
  • Conservation
  • Blue Sky Day – Thursday 8th March
  • Membership
  • Upper High Street & Depot Road Development Brief
  • Planning Consultation
  • Epsom Town Centre
  • Blue Sky Day
  • Email addresses
  • Swail House
  • ECS exhibition – Sat 27 October
  • The Downs
  • Renaissance
  • Ian West’s walkabout
No. 132 Summer 2012

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – Epsom Common
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Blue Sky Day
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Downs
  • Bluebell, Steam Engines and Wet Gardens
  • Postponement of visit to UCA
  • Dinner Theatre at the Mill at Sonning
  • The 2012 buffet supper on Friday 12 October
  • Some challenges facing Epsom (AGM talk by Frances Rutter)
No. 131 Spring 2012

  • The Chairman’s Commentary (Daniel Defore
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Upper High Strreet and Depot Road Car Park Consultation
  • Downs
  • Station Development
  • Blue Sky Day
  • Tom Dethridge, 1920-2011
  • Visit to Bluebell Railway and Sheffiled Park Gardens 3rd May
  • Morning visit to the University of the Creaive Arts – 12 June
  • Diary Dates
No. 130 Winter 2011

  • The Chairman’s Commentary (Hookfield part 2)
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Blue Sky Day – Thursday 8th March
  • Membership
  • Committee Matters
  • The Downs
  • Talk by Professor Paul Coyle, University of the Creative Arts
  • Buffet Supper
  • Racecourse Visit
  • News item – the Ladas pub
  • Dates for your diary
  • Tom Dethridge
No. 129 Autumn 2011

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Local Development Framework
  • Blue Sky Day
  • Downs
  • Trainers Open Day 25 August
  • Civic Pride
  • Heritage Open Days, 10-11 Sept
  • Society Website
  • Ian West’s walk around “The Warren”
  • Visit to Arundel Castle
  • Buffet Supper
  • Talk “Epsom and the UCA – Thursday 3 November
No. 128 Summer 2011

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Local Development Framework and Plan E
  • Launch of the Second Epsom Heritage Trail
  • AGM talk – My Job by Rupert Trevelyan, Epsom Racecourse
  • Membership
  • The Downs
  • Talks
  • March outing to Singleton
  • New Committee Members
  • Epsom Grandstand and Racecourse visit
  • Famous and first ECS Buffet Supper
  • Civic Voice
No. 127 Spring 2011

  • The Chairman’s Commentary (Northey Family, part 2)
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Epsom Heritage trail II
  • What’s in a Name
  • Localism Bill
  • Email addresses
  • Events, Talks and Outings
  • The Downs
  • Margaret Rogers
No. 126 Winter 2010

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Local Development Framework
  • The Downs Consultative Committee
  • Ashley Centre Display
  • Newsletters by Email
  • Heritage Trail No. 2
  • Visit To Weald & Downland Museum 31.3.11
No. 125 Autumn 2010

  • The Chairman’s Commentary – The Schnadhorst’s and Epsom Cricket Club
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • The Downs – Notes from a Conservators Meeting
  • New Mayor of Epsom and Ewell
  • Loss of two society stalwarts
  • Newsletters by Email
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • Ashley Centre Display
  • Civic Voice
No. 124 Summer 2010

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Lavandou Stables
  • Membership
  • E-mail addresses
  • Events, Talks and Outings
  • Plan E – a new plan for Epsom Town Centre
No. 123 Spring 2010

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Press release (Railway Station)
  • Conservation
  • The Downs
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • The Railway comes to Epsom
  • Pictures of the new fountain
No. 122 Winter 2009

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Talk by Mark Berry EEBC
  • The Downs
  • Aerial Photographs
  • Lavandou Stables
  • Civic Trust
  • Evens, Outings and Talk
  • 50th Anniversary Supper Party
  • Dates for your 2010 Diary
  • Epsom and Ewell Family History Centre
No. 121 Golden Jubilee Edition 1959-2009

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Anniversary Excursion to Chantilly
  • EPS wins gold
  • The Society’s Inauguration 23rd March 1959
  • An Enduring Symbol – the Fountain
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Chief Executive of the Borough Council
  • Membership
  • Display
  • Local Development Framework
  • News, Miscellany
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • Annual Buffet Supper Party
No. 120 Summer 2009

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • 50th Anniversary Keepsake
  • Planning Applications
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Officers
  • Heritage Protection – current issues
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • Town Centre Area Action Plan
  • Nonsuch Gold at Bourne Hall
No. 119 Spring 2009

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Events, Outings and Talk
  • 50th anniversary special events
  • The Downs
No. 118 Winter 2008

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Local Development Framework
  • Epsom and Ewell Character Study
  • 50th Anniversary Celebrations 2009
  • Ashley Centre Display
  • The Downs
  • Tell all your far-flung friends about Epsom (postcards for sale)
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • Woodcote Green House
  • Heritage Weekend
No. 117 Autumn 2008

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Downs
  • Membership
  • Display in the Mall Ashley
  • Events, Outings and Talks
    • Mapledurham & Henley 24 July
    • Nonsuch Mansion 6 July
    • Chichester Theatre 20 November
    • Annual Buffet Supper 24 October
    • Talk – Architecture and the Built Environment 30 October
  • Professor John Ashurst
No. 116 Summer 2008

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Conservation
  • Election of Committee
  • Membership
  • 21st century communications
  • Pride in Epsom
  • Paul Fifoot – an appreciation
  • Ashley Mall Display + photograph
  • Lavandou Stables and Chalk Lane
  • 50th anniversary
  • The value of conservation areas in Epsom
  • Town Centre conservation area
  • Talk by David Smith after the annual general meeting
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • The Downs
  • Heritage Open Days – Sat 13 and Sun 14 September
  • Application form for buffet supper party 24 Oct 2008
No. 115 Spring 2008

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Membership
  • Lavandou Stables
  • Local Development Framework
  • Events, Outings and Talks
  • Heritage Open Days
  • Talk “Neo-classicism – an enduring style ”
  • Article (from New Zealand) “Piers Nicholson and the England Epsom”
  • Article “The Mall Ashley – A Journey”
No. 114 -Winter 2007

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Local Development Framework
  • Planning Infrastructure
  • Conservation
  • Events
  • Outings
  • Talks
No. 113 – Autumn 2007

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Planning Applications
  • Membership
  • Events and Outings
  • Talks
  • Outings
No. 112 -Summer 2007

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • EPS Exhibition at the Ashley Centre
  • AGM: Officers for the coming year
  • Planning Applications
  • Local Development Framework
  • Membership
  • Talk “The History of Spas”
  • Talk “Building Design & environment
  • Events and Outings
No. 111 -Spring 2007

  • The Chairman’s Commentary
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Planning Applications
  • Local Development Framework
  • Epsom Heritage Walking Trail
  • The Durdans
  • Society Archives
  • Membership
  • New Futures for Historic Buildings
  • Visit to Rochester for Dickens Festival
  • Future Talks