1 Talbot Row, Chalk Lane Epsom KT18 7AZ

Felling of conifer tree in rear garden

44 Christ Church Mount, Epsom KT19 8NB

Demolition of the existing dwelling and associated outbuildings and the erection of 3 No. of new dwelling units (3 x three bedroom houses) with associated access and soft and hard landscaping

Brackenlee, Woodcote Side Epsom

Detached outbuilding involving excavation of ground to create basement space and incorporating loft space to be used as a granny annex and recreation rooms.

2 Pine Hill Epsom KT18 7BG

Reserved Matters application for Appearance pursuant to Condition 2 of Outline Planning Permission 20/00958/OUT.

Former Dairy Crest Site, Alexandra Road Epsom KT17 4BJ

Redevelopment of site to deliver a retail foodstore (Class E), supporting car park, access, servicing and landscaping.

49 Lower Hill Road Epsom KT19 8LS

This application seeks to provide ancillary sleeping accommodation to the main house/bungalow within the designated plot boundary.

79-81 East Street Epsom KT17 1DT

Demolition of 79-81 East Street and the construction of a part 5, part 6 storey building containing 31 residential units (10 x 1-bed, 17 x 2-bed and 4 x 3-bed) (Class C3) together with car parking, landscaping and access arrangements and associated works.

Kingswood House School 56 West Hill Epsom KT19 8LG

Demolition of an existing building, relocation and reprovision of MUGA Sports pitch, and construction of new access and parking facilities for a SEND school.

Majestic Wine Warehouse 31 – 37 East Street Epsom Surrey KT17 1BD

Demolition of the existing building and the construction of a self-storage facility (Use Class B8) and flexible office space (Use Class E(g)(i)), together with vehicle parking and landscaping

124 Hook Road Epsom KT19 8TX – Update

Erection of two storey 2 bedroom detached house with ancillary car parking.