Demolition of existing detached dwelling house and construction of a new detached dwelling house.
Demolition of existing detached dwelling house and construction of a new detached dwelling house.
Change of use of existing woodland area to private garden extensions for Nos 39-47 and Nos 53 to 61 Pine Hill.
Conversion of the first and second floor office accommodation and roof extension at 10 East Street to create 4 x one bed flats. Demolition of Epsom
House and erection of a three-storey building accommodating 3 x one bed flats.
Demolition of existing detached dwelling house and construction of a new detached dwelling house
Redevelopment to provide 6 x 2 bed apartments with private parking and ancillary accommodation together with 1 ground floor commercial A1/B1 self contained unit
Erection of a detached dwelling.
Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide 8 two-bedroom and 2 three-bedroom flats in a three/four storey building with accommodation in a lower ground, ground, first and second floor arrangement, formation of a new access from Alexandra Road and the provision of ten parking spaces.
Erection of an apartment building comprising 2 three bed units and 2 one bed units with basement parking and cycle/residential storage
Posted: 28 July 2017 by ecs
New Development On NESCOT Agricultural Land Reigate Road Ewell
Construction of 88 residential dwellings with associated access, open space, car parking, landscaping and other works