Bradford House (aka Sunnybank House) 39A East Street Epsom KT17 1BL

Demolition of existing office building (Use Class B1a) at Bradford House and erection of a mixed-use six storey (plus basement) building comprising 238sqm of office floorspace at ground floor level and a student halls of residence (Use Class C1) containing 99 student bedrooms. Associated landscaping and basement level parking and cycle parking.

Former Police Station Church Street Epsom KT17 4PS

The demolition of the former police station, and the erection of two residential blocks comprising a total of 29 residential units (11x1bed, 14 x2 bed and 4×3 bed), with associated car parking and landscaping.

5 Chuters Grove Epsom KT17 4AS

Proposed demolition of existing house and construction of replacement 2 storey house with basement and associated hard and soft landscaping.

Woodcote End 17A Woodcote Close Epsom KT18 7QJ

Demolition of conservatory, rear extension on ground and first floor, loft conversion.

Kings Arms Public House 144 East Street Epsom KT17 1EY

Erection of a three-storey building on land adjacent to public house building to provide 8 self-contained flats (3x1bed, 3×2 bed 2×3 bed) and associated hard and soft landscaping, car and cycle parking and refuse store and the demolition of a single storey annexe extension to Kings Arms Public House

13 Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ

Erection of an apartment building comprising 2 three bed units and 2 two bed units with basement parking and cycle/residential storage (Description amended and amended drawings received 14.11.2017)

8 Andrews Close, Epsom KT17 4EX

Outline application ( Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale) for the demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of a two storey building accommodating 8 one bedroom flats and associated parking.

6 The Grove, Epsom KT17 4DQ

Demolition of existing dwelling and redevelopment to provide a single block comprising 11 x 2 bed flats and 2 x 3 bed flats, including landscaping and basement parking.

2 Pine Hill Epsom KT18 7BG

Outline application (all matters reserved) for the extension of existing building to facilitate the change of use from a 10 bedroom HMO property (Sui Generis) to residential accommodation (Class C3) to create a total of 2 three bed and 8 two bedroom residential flats.

Cedar Lodge Headley Road Epsom KT18 6BH

Demolition of the existing stables and the erection of a detached 2 bedroom bungalow, revised access and landscaping and erection of a block of four stables with revised access.