Variation of the original planning conditions reference number is 18/00117/FUL Condition Number: 11
The proposed residential dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied by persons in connection with the operation of B R Johnson Racing only and shall not at any time be occupied as an independent residential unit.
Reason: To ensure compliance with Policy CS11 of the Core Strategy and Policy DM24 of the Development Management Policies DPD in order to ensure that a racehorse training in Epsom is sustained.
Erection of new 2 1/2 storey dwelling with associated landscaping & parking
Conditions Removal: Roof design to be altered from original plans in order to improve the external aesthetic.
Erection of a two-storey building, comprising 4 x 1 bedroom apartments linked to the rear of the existing house
Two storey side extension. Part single storey rear extension
Erection of 4 new dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping.
Renovation and Repair of Clunch Wall to East Boundary along Woodcote End.
Two storey rear extension to provide 8 bedrooms and two lounges; alterations to car park.
Demolition of the existing Racehorse Training Establishment (RTE) and the erection of a new RTE comprising of a main yard stable complex of 40 boxes, a secondary stable block of 20 boxes, an isolation yard, a trainer and assistant trainers house, stable staff accommodation, horse walkers, muck pits, a therapy barn, trotting ring and outdoor school, a lunge ring, turnout paddocks and a machinery store and storage barn and enabling residential development comprising 46 apartments. [Description amended to reflect reduction in 1 apartment (47 to 46).
Posted: 12 September 2019 by ecs
Wells Social Centre Spa Drive Epsom KT18 7LR
Demolition of existing Wells Social Centre and construction of 23 residential units, community hall, playground and associated car parking and landscaping