7 Chase End KT19 8TN

Click here to see map for location of 7 Chase End.

19/00988/OUT Erection of 3 x 2 bedroom semi-detached houses including new access, associated external works and parking, following demolition of 7 Chase End.

Chase End is a short non-adopted road cul-de-sac with houses set around a symmetrical layout and seems entirely inappropriate for a single plot isolated backland redevelopment such as that proposed.

The plans seem to indicate that, in order to provide access to the two extra houses built in backland, the ground floor of the first house would be half-width, with its upper storey expanding over the access path.

In the later 2019 National Planning Policy Framework, paragraph 127 emphasizes that development should function well, be sympathetic to the local character and add to the quality of the area. This application certainly does not do that.

Further, the narrow pathway to two houses would appear to provide inadequate or marginal emergency vehicle access.

For all these reasons the Society cannot support the application and recommends refusal. See our letter here.