39 Dorling Drive Epsom KT17 3BH

Click here to see map for location of 39 Dorling Drive Epsom KT17 3BH.

22/00133/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling house. Erection of 4 bedroom two storey dwelling house (with roofspace accommodation).[sic]

This application proposes demolition of the existing two storey house and construction of what is effectively a three storey building on a significantly larger footprint, leading to more than doubling the existing floor area. The proposed roof line would be significantly higher than the surrounding properties and of a different style.

The Society believes that the proposal would result in a building overlarge relative to its plot size and particularly out of keeping with the locality of the estate of Dorling Drive, St John’s Avenue and Wallace Fields. A less extreme proposal for the adjacent property was refused in December 2021, for reasons equally applicable to this application.

Furthermore, the proposed demolition would produce far more CO2 output than a more modest extension to the existing building, which would thus be a far more sustainable approach.

For these reasons, refusal has been requested. See our letter here.