30 South Street Epsom

Click here to see map for location of 30 South Street Epsom KT18 7PF.

22/00025/FUL Erection of first floor front aluminium framed conservatory extension.

This application proposes erection of a first floor extension over the protruding part at the front of the existing building in South Street, part of the Town Centre Conservation Area, using conservatory-style materials.

The Society believes that the choice of materials is totally out of keeping with both the existing building and its surrounding properties. The proposal would constitute very poor design and would result in harm to the character of the area and the street scene. This would fail to accord with Policy CS5(The Built Environment)as well as Policies DM9 (Townscape Character and Local Distinctiveness) and DM10 (Inc Design Requirements for new extensions).

For these reasons, refusal has been requested. See our letter here.