Upper Woodcote Green Woodcote End Epsom KT18 7BH

Click here to see map for location of Pine Hill and Woodcote End Epsom Surrey KT18 7BH .

17/00402/FUL Change of use of existing woodland area to private garden extensions for Nos 39-47 and Nos 53 to 61 Pine Hill.

This application relates to a strip of woodland lying within the Chalk Lane Conservation Area.

It is clear that the loss of any part of this woodland would have an immediate and very significantly adverse impact on the quality of the Conservation Area. The woodland provides a defining boundary feature protecting the Area’s essentially rural nature from the strongly contrasting urban character of the adjoining relatively dense housing development.

The application also includes the erection of 1.8 m high close boarded fencing. This would have the effect of introducing a visual barrier, separating the woodland strip from the rest of the Conservation Area and greatly undermining its value, even if the trees are protected by Tree Preservation Orders.

For these reasons we recommended that planning permission be refused.

See our letter here .