Nominations for Local Listing in Epsom & Ewell

As part of the Government’s ‘Build Back Better’ initiative, in the autumn of 2021 Surrey County Council received funding for a project to develop local heritage asset lists. Epsom and Ewell Borough is one of the six Surrey districts and boroughs participating in the project, the others being Elmbridge, Mole Valley, Surrey Heath, Tandridge and Woking.

Based on guidelines developed by English Heritage, the project requires potential candidate buildings or locations to score on two or more of six key criteria, namely:

    • A – Rarity – A rare survival of an asset type, either due to its intrinsic rarity or through its integrity, i.e. it is largely unaltered. The age of an asset will be a factor to be taken into consideration under this criterion. Rarity will also be considered in a local context, i.e. an asset may have greater significance in one place than in another.
    • B – Group Value – Strong functional or visual link with other assets, the asset contributing to the understanding of asset groups or complexes which have significance or prominence in a local context. Assets located within conservation areas may qualify for inclusion under this criterion, if they contribute positively to the character of the area, and/or contribute to an understanding of its development.
    • C – Architectural or artistic value – Assets displaying a distinctive or innovative style or design, to include exceptional examples of local craftsmanship or detailing, unusual building technique or local distinctiveness through use of local materials. Assets reflecting in their design and layout key aspects of significant national trends, adapted to local conditions, may also qualify for inclusion under this criterion.
    • D – Archaeological Value Assets containing evidence of past human activity, to inform and enhance knowledge of the development of the area, including evidence of industrial, rural, agricultural practices or technologies.
    • E – Historic Association – Assets which have a strong and evidenced association with important local or national person, event or social movement. This could include an association with nationally or locally recognised architect or garden designer.
    • F – Landmark Status – Assets which are highly valued by and significant to local communities due to their historic, communal or striking aesthetic value, and which are prominently located in the public realm.
    • G – Social and Cultural Value – Assets which make a strong contribution to the collective memory of a place and local identity, including those which provide evidence and understanding of past societal customs, practices or beliefs, and assets which have acquired local significance and prominence through documentation, research or previous identification as an asset of heritage value (for example as a former Grade III building or other form of local heritage asset). Assets which provide an important focus for faith, worship or commemoration will also be considered under this criterion.

To support this project, and using the above categorisation, the ECS committee put forward their own list of 34 locations, either single buildings of groups of properties, which can be accessed here.

The initial public consultation calling for candidates closed mid-November 2021, and the SCC project team will review all the proposals before issuing a draft list for each borough for consultation in February or March 2022. The draft lists will also be subject to approval by each of the districts and boroughs, following consultation which will include notifying and engaging with owners. On completion of the project, the districts and boroughs can decide how they wish to embed these criteria within their own processes for reviewing their local heritage lists.

In Epsom and Ewell’s case this will hopefully form part of the evidence base for the Local Plan still in development.