Change of use to D2 (Cinema). Proposed roof extension for auditoria and plant enclosure
Appeal against Enforcement Notice requiring fence height reduction
Outline application ( Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale) for the demolition of existing property and construction of new flatted development
Part single storey front extension & conversion of existing garage to create habitable room. Provide solar panels to existing roof.
The demolition of the former police station, and the erection of two residential blocks comprising a total of 29 residential units (11x1bed, 14 x2 bed and 4×3 bed), with associated car parking and landscaping.
Details pursuant to Condition 2 (Materials) and 3 (Hard and soft Landscaping) of planning permission 18/00995/REM
Erection of two semi-detached houses
Outline application (All matters reserved) for alteration and extension to building to facilitate change of use from 10 bedroom HMO property to 8 flats (Class C3).
Outline planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a new 5 storey building containing ground floor commercial/retail (A1, A2 and B1 uses) and 14 residential units (C3 Use) on upper levels with all matters reserved apart from Access and Layout”
Posted: 15 March 2019 by ecs
Epsom Square 48 High Street Epsom KT19 8AG
Maintenance of Green Wall