Epsom Square 48 High Street Epsom KT19 8AG

Maintenance of Green Wall

5 Derby Square High Street Epsom KT19 8AG

Change of use to D2 (Cinema). Proposed roof extension for auditoria and plant enclosure

17 Jackson Close Epsom KT18 7RA Update and Appeal

Appeal against Enforcement Notice requiring fence height reduction

8 Andrews Close Epsom KT17 4EX – second outline application

Outline application ( Access, Appearance, Layout and Scale) for the demolition of existing property and construction of new flatted development

15A Downs Road Epsom KT18 5JF

Part single storey front extension & conversion of existing garage to create habitable room. Provide solar panels to existing roof.

Former Police Station Church Street Epsom KT17 4PS – Update January 2019

The demolition of the former police station, and the erection of two residential blocks comprising a total of 29 residential units (11x1bed, 14 x2 bed and 4×3 bed), with associated car parking and landscaping.

Premier Inn – 1 The Parade Epsom KT18 5BT

Details pursuant to Condition 2 (Materials) and 3 (Hard and soft Landscaping) of planning permission 18/00995/REM

2 Pine Hill Epsom KT18 7BG – Appeal against refusal

Outline application (All matters reserved) for alteration and extension to building to facilitate change of use from 10 bedroom HMO property to 8 flats (Class C3).

24-28 West Street Epsom Surrey

Outline planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a new 5 storey building containing ground floor commercial/retail (A1, A2 and B1 uses) and 14 residential units (C3 Use) on upper levels with all matters reserved apart from Access and Layout”