Rosebery House, 55 East Street, Epsom KT17 1BP – Appeals re 2nd & 3rd Application

Appeals against refusal of 2nd & 3rd Applications to convert existing offices to housing with offices on ground floor

Acer House, 97-101 East Street, Epsom KT17 1EA – Updated March 2015

Demolition and change of use of vacant D1 premises and erection of 2-3 storey building to accommodate 14 No Flats for C3 use.

20-40 East Street, Epsom KT17 1BB

Redevelopment of existing ground floor showroom to create a new Class A1 retail (non-food) unit with glazed shop front, rear access and 22 on site car park spaces at the rear.

72-74 Temple Road, Epsom KT19 8HA

Demolition of garages and external staircase and erection of two-storey extension incorporating accommodation in the roof to provide additional self-contained student accommodation comprising 6 bed spaces.

87 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AB

Details pursuant to Condition 7 (Tree position) , 10 (Replacement trees) of planning permission 12/00707/FUL

Haddad House 91 East Street Epsom KT17 1DT

Outline application (access, appearance, layout and scale) for erection of 6×2 bed flats, retention of existing access together with associated external works following demolition of existing building (Revision of previous 14/00651/OUT scheme to reduce height of rear block by 0.8m and use of mansard roof).

54 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AA

Demolition of the existing house and erection of 4 no. semi-detached dwellings and associated works and landscaping.

9A Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ

Change of use of space allocated within Block A on Ashley Road for medical centre or offices

Rear of 23A-29 Links Road Epsom KT17

Erection of 4 detached 4-bedroom houses with garages and associated access and landscaping to the rear of 23A-29 Links Road

Meadowcroft 56 Longmead Road, Epsom KT19 9BQ

Demolition and replacement by three terrace houses