Redevelopment of existing ground floor showroom to create a new Class A1 retail (non-food) unit with glazed shop front, rear access and 22 on site car park spaces at the rear.
Demolition of garages and external staircase and erection of two-storey extension incorporating accommodation in the roof to provide additional self-contained student accommodation comprising 6 bed spaces.
Details pursuant to Condition 7 (Tree position) , 10 (Replacement trees) of planning permission 12/00707/FUL
Outline application (access, appearance, layout and scale) for erection of 6×2 bed flats, retention of existing access together with associated external works following demolition of existing building (Revision of previous 14/00651/OUT scheme to reduce height of rear block by 0.8m and use of mansard roof).
Demolition of the existing house and erection of 4 no. semi-detached dwellings and associated works and landscaping.
Change of use of space allocated within Block A on Ashley Road for medical centre or offices
Erection of 4 detached 4-bedroom houses with garages and associated access and landscaping to the rear of 23A-29 Links Road
Demolition and replacement by three terrace houses
Demolition of existing dwelling and other buildings and erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with associated parking and landscaping.
Posted: 29 March 2015 by ecs
Acer House, 97-101 East Street, Epsom KT17 1EA – Updated March 2015
Demolition and change of use of vacant D1 premises and erection of 2-3 storey building to accommodate 14 No Flats for C3 use.