Change of use of space allocated within Block A on Ashley Road for medical centre or offices
Erection of 4 detached 4-bedroom houses with garages and associated access and landscaping to the rear of 23A-29 Links Road
Demolition and replacement by three terrace houses
Demolition of existing dwelling and other buildings and erection of two detached houses and two detached bungalows with associated parking and landscaping.
Erection of ground floor side and rear extension
A revised application for a major redevelopment of Woodcote Park, including partial demolition of and amendments/additions to Listed Buildings and addition of extensive new facilities and parking, together with two new residences in Green Belt land.
Demolition of existing house, garage and laundry block and erection of three-storey building accommodating, 9 x one bedroom flat units, and 3 x two bedroom terraced houses, with associated access road, car and cycle parking and landscaping.
Demolition of existing car showroom and first floor flat and replacement with new car showroom and associated works
3rd Application to convert existing offices to housing with offices on ground floor
Posted: 29 January 2015 by ecs
54 Rosebery Road Epsom KT18 6AA
Demolition of the existing house and erection of 4 no. semi-detached dwellings and associated works and landscaping.