Demolition of the existing entrance and the erection of a glazed entrance porch.
Variation of Condition 11 (The development shall be used for residential student accommodation only and for no other purpose) of planning permission 14/01784/FUL to allow the development to be used for residential (house in multiple occupation) accommodation by students or other persons.
Demolition of existing two-storey house and erection of an apartment building comprising 2×3 bed units, 2×2 bed units and 1×3 bed penthouse with basement parking and cycle/residential storage
Proposed three-storey building accommodating 7 flat units and associating parking.
Erection of additional storey to create separate dwelling
Demolition of existing detached dwelling house and construction of a new detached dwelling house on the same site.
Demolition of the existing dwellings and redevelopment of the site to comprise 8 dwellings (1 x 3-bed, 3 x 4-bed and 4 x 5-bed) and associated access and landscaping.
First and second floor flank infill extension. Enlargement of rear dormer windows.
Demolition of existing property and redevelopment of the site to provide 9 two bedroom flats and 1 three bedroom flat in a three-storey block with accommodation in the roof space formation of a new access onto Alexandra Road and the provision of ancillary car parking. (Description amended 17.08.2016 and amended drawings received 25.08.2016)
Posted: 13 April 2017 by ecs
82-84 High Street Epsom KT19 8BA
Reconfiguration of existing 4 bedroom flat at second floor level to create 1 one bed and 1 two bed flat, demolition of existing roof and erection of new mansard roof extension to create 1 one bed and 1 two bed flat, communal roof garden and external works to the rear to create new residential entrance.