Premier Inn – 1 The Parade Epsom KT18 5BT

Details pursuant to Condition 2 (Materials) and 3 (Hard and soft Landscaping) of planning permission 18/00995/REM

2 Pine Hill Epsom KT18 7BG – Appeal against refusal

Outline application (All matters reserved) for alteration and extension to building to facilitate change of use from 10 bedroom HMO property to 8 flats (Class C3).

24-28 West Street Epsom Surrey

Outline planning permission for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a new 5 storey building containing ground floor commercial/retail (A1, A2 and B1 uses) and 14 residential units (C3 Use) on upper levels with all matters reserved apart from Access and Layout”

1 Whitmores Close Epsom KT18 7JY

Demolition of existing house and replacement with new block of 6 flats.

117 East Street Epsom KT17 1EJ

Redevelopment and refurbishment of the site to provide 7 self-contained flats with associate parking, amenity space, refuse store and cycle store.

Land at Mill Road Epsom

Proposed residential development comprising of 31 units with associated landscaping, parking and external works.

74 Ebbisham Road, Epsom KT18 7NT

Outline application ( Access, Layout and Scale) for the erection of a two bedroom dwellinghouse with associated parking.

6 The Grove Epsom KT17 4DQ

Proposed two storey rear extension, 1st floor side extension, and conversion of existing dwelling to provide 4 No. 2 bed flats and 1 No. 1 bed flat, including parking and landscaping.

Kings Arms Public House 144 East Street Epsom KT17 1EY

Demolition of existing building and erection of a three-storey building to provide 16 self-contained flats and associated development including hard and soft landscaping, car and cycle parking and refuse store