Rosebery House, 55 East Street, Epsom KT17 1BP – 3rd Application


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14/01034/FUL Rosebery House

Conversion and extension of existing office building into 30 residential units and 399 m2 of B1 office space with associated parking and landscaping works.

The previous (second) application for this property was refused for reasons of overdevelopment, loss of visual amenity of the adjacent conservation area, inadequate parking and manoeuvring space, and disturbance caused by commercial vehicles supporting the retail space. The Society had objected on the grounds of retail use, height, size and parking provision and effect on the conservation area.

The present application attempts to overcome the above reasons for refusal, mainly by removing the retail use and substituting office space on the ground floor instead, together with a small reduction in the number of housing units and a larger reduction in parking spaces. However, while welcoming the removal of the retail space, the Society considers the parking provisions remain inadequate and the appearance of the additional upper storey remains overbearing. We have therefore recommended a further refusal.

Our letter can be found here.