3 Alexandra Road Epsom Surrey KT17 4BH


Link to EEBC Planning page 13/00564/FUL

Demolition of existing detached dwellinghouse (currently split into 2no. 2-bed flats) and erection of new three-storey development comprising 7no new build flats (1no. 1-bed, 5no. 2-bed and 1no. 3-bed apartments) with undercroft parking.

Numerous comments (mainly adverse) made on this application, which is under consideration, including one from the Society.

This is a planning application post, which will describe briefly the proposed development and, where relevant, include a link or i-frame to a pdf of the letter written to the Council by the Society. When the Council Planning Committee has reached a decision, the post may be updated to include that decision. If an Appeal is to take place, a new post highlighting that Appeal including a link to this post will be made.

If I can work out how to do it, the image area will have attached a map extract showing the property location.

Tags are Planning, Planning Application