Langley Bottom Farm Langley Vale Road Epsom KT18 6AP

Click here to see map for location of Langley Bottom Farm.

20/00475/FUL Demolition of the existing buildings on the site and construction of twenty residential dwellings, of which eight (40%) would be affordable together with associated access, landscaping and parking.

This application is an early test of the Borough’s commitment to maintaining its Green Belt, representing as it does a proposal to extend development beyond the footprint of the existing farm buildings.

The applicant is seeking to categorise the site as a “derelict brown field site”, although the majority of the existing buildings are still in commercial or farming use, whereas the reality is that any development of this magnitude on the site would represent construction on Green Belt land which is performing its expected function preventing urban sprawl beyond the existing built-up area.

Mainly for this reason, the Society has objected strongly to the proposal, and also flagged the potential conflict with the Woodland Trust’s approved application for the car park and other works which plan to access their adjacent site via the same access road to Langley Bottom Farm, which is also a bridle path for horse access to Walton Downs.

See our letter here.