Land to the rear of 23a-29 Links Road Epsom

Click here to see map for location of 23a-29 Links Road Epsom .

21/01762/FUL Erection of 3 new dwellings and associated access, parking and landscaping.

Two previous applications to develop this backland site (16/00213 in 2017, and 19/00369 in 2019/20) have been refused and dismissed on appeal.

This application, although now for only three detached houses, reduces only marginally the total footprint and involves one very large house with a detached outbuilding. It remains a very dense form of backland development. The proposal remains contrary to DM16 – development of back gardens – and out of keeping with the character and sylvan setting of the area. For these reasons the Society requests a further refusal.

See our letter here.